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The concept for the Truman Middle School, Phase 2A Project is to create a central courtyard design around which the entire school campus will be organized. This is the first building phase for the Truman Middle School replacement project and will serve as a new entrance for the entire school. This will be accomplished by strategically placing the new administration entrance in a centralized location and organizing the Library, Cafeteria and Classrooms around the Courtyard that unites the entire campus.
The Administration Building creates the main “street façade” and aligns itself with Benavides Road, running east-west. The Administration Building is clad with a metal panel that resembles a shell or skin that serves as an intermediary between the surrounding neighborhood and the school. The main entrance to the Administration is from Benavides Road. The entrance begins at the sidewalk, climbing a flight of stairs and passing under a bridge to arrive at the Entrance Plaza. The bridge, that you pass beneath, connects the new building with the existing 8th grade building.